Apartment Renting

leipäteksti apartment renting

Rental Apartment Applications

Rental apartments can be applied for all year round.

The application is valid for 3 months. After this, the application can be renewed by contacting the technical office.

The rental apartment application is signed and dated. The required appendices are indicated on page 4 of the application form.

An electronic application is submitted via Miunpalvelut. Logging in requires online bank user identifiers.


Tenant Selection

The purpose of the tenant selection is to provide rental apartments to the households with the most urgent needs. Social appropriateness and financial need are assessed on the basis of the need for an apartment, as well as income and wealth.

A diverse tenant structure and socially balanced residential area are also emphasised.

The applicant should not leave the current apartment until a new one is granted by the municipality.

The rental agreement is valid for three months at first.

After a rental agreement is signed, we will not charge a rental deposit.

Contact Information

Return Address for Application


Postal address:

Tohmajärven kunta
Järnefeltintie 1
FI-82600 Tohmajärvi, Finland


Street address:

Tohmajärven kunta
Kauppakatu 4, 2nd floor

Office Secretary
