Music School

leipäteksti music school


The Central Karelian Music School offers basic arts education in music and dance in Heinävesi, Kitee, Liperi, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä and Tohmajärvi. Music education covers classical music, folk music and pop/rock/jazz music. We also provide dance lessons for children and youth in Kitee and Tohmajärvi. You can start at music playschool and apply later for basic education in music. 


Music Playschool

Music playschool offers playful music education to children under age 6. We sing, play instruments, rhyme, play games and do all fun things that involve music. Music playschool supports the overall development of children, according to age, through music. Children are encouraged to express themselves through music and dance. Tuition in groups.Education is given in Finnish only. Also distance learning opportunity!

Online registration through the Eepos student administration program at (in Finnish only).


Basic Education in Music

The Central Karelia music school offers a wide variety of music education for people of all ages. You can apply anytime. No entrance exams. We fill student positions as and when open ones become available.  

You can apply to any instrument education. We try to address our offering within our resources. Education is mainly individual-based and is given in Finnish only.

Online registration through the Eepos student administration program at (in Finnish only).



We provide dance classes for children and youth in Kitee, Tohmajärvi and Liperi. Our dance studies follow the curriculum for basic dance art education. Basic dance education is focused on modern dance styles. Education is given in Finnish only.


Open Education / Fast line

You can also study your instrument through open education. Open education does not involve any performance requirements, but the student is more responsible for the costs of the education. Education is given in Finnish only.

Online registration through the Eepos student administration program at (in Finnish only).


Instrument Loans

Are you a new student and do you need an instrument? You can borrow an instrument from the Music School.


Semester fees as of January 1, 2020

Major and Minor Subjects for Soloists

    Major subject for soloists, 30-60 min, €145 (sibling discount €15)

    Minor subject for soloists, 30 min, €75 (no sibling discount)

    Minor subject for soloists, 45 min, €105 (no sibling discount)


Music Playschool

    Music playschool, 30 min, €60 (sibling discount €5)

    Music playschool, 45–60 min, €75 (sibling discount €10)

    Musical training (music playschool) €75 (sibling discount €10)



    Dance education,  €80 (sibling discount €5)


Instrument Rental Fees

    Rental fee for music school students / semester €25 or €35 (depending on the prime cost of the instrument)

    Rental fee for non-students €50

    Other supplies or short-term loan (max. 1 month) €20

    Instrument collateral €20 or €40 (depending on the prime cost of the instrument)


Registration Fee (New Students) €10


Group Education Fees for Students Without a Major

    Band school and pop/jazz singing (incl. individual education) €65

    Musical instrument training / student (music school) €75

    Choirs, bands and other group education €40


Level Performance Fees for Non-Registered Students and Open Education Students

    For instruments €50

    For musical perception studies €50


Open Education      

    15 min/week, €165

    30 min/week, €330

    45 min/week, €490

    60 min/week, €665

    Minor subject for soloists, 15 min, €58   

    Minor subject for soloists, 30 min, €115

    Minor subject for soloists, 45 min, €170


Unclear semester fee cases will be resolved by the principal or board of the music school.


Study Places for Students With Limited Means

You can apply for a remission of fees by submitting an application to the music school office (the application must include a statement from Kela or social services).


More information:, phone: +358 40 105 4046 / office,, phone: +358 105 4045 / principal.

Asset Publisher


Street address:                          

Kirkkotie 6, 2nd fl, FI-82600 Tohmajärvi


Postal address:                          

Järnefeltintie 1, FI-82600 Tohmajärvi


Music School, visit address:

Kirkkotie 16 (on Katri Helena’s route),

FI-82600 Tohmajärvi


+358 40 105 4046 / administration

+358 40 105 4047 / music playschool, invoicing

+358 40 105 4039 / instrument loans, dance

+358 40 105 4049 / marketing and communication


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